Kidney Transplantation (KT) is the most preferred standard care of treatment for patients with end stage renal disease. Traditionally, kidney transplantation has been carried out by open surgery i.e by making large incisions. However, in the recent times, the procedure is being done with minimally invasive surgical procedures.
Robot Assisted Kidney Transplantation (RAKT) is a minimally invasive technique that uses a robotic support to perform the KT. As a high level of expertise is required in KT and robotic surgery, RAKT is performed by transplant surgeons with extensive training and experience in robotics and transplant surgery.
Compared to conventional open kidney transplant surgery, a much smaller incision (about 7cm) is made in RAKT to remove the diseased kidney and insert the donor kidney into the abdomen., and then to stitch the blood vessels and the ureter. Another four or five small (0.5 to 1cm) incisions are used to insert the instruments into the abdomen.
One of the arms holds a high magnification 3D camera which is inserted into the abdomen through one of the key holes and provides a high-definition, magnified (12×), 3-D view of the surgical site. The other mechanical arms have surgical instruments attached to it that are designed to mimic the movement of the human hands and wrists.
The surgeon uses the console of the computer to manipulate the small surgical instruments that are more flexible and manoeuvrable as compared to the human hand.
Robotic surgery in KT offers many benefits like:
Robotic surgery, or robot-assisted surgery, is an advanced surgical procedure where small surgical tools are attached to a robotic arm that is controlled by a surgeon through a computer.
Risks related to kidney transplants are drastically minimized with the robotic assistance. Still, possible risks that are specific to kidney transplant procedure include:
The graft survival rate i.e the survival rate of the donor kidney is dependent on the inherent characteristics of the recipient’s body, hence there are no significant differences between the open surgery and robot assisted kidney transplant surgery. However, the robotic kidney transplant surgery offers significant benefits in terms of: